Kroschel Films
Steve Kroschel has been an independent filmmaker for the past 34 years and a wildlife interpreter/ethologist for most of his life. He owns and operates a wildlife park near Haines, Alaska for mainly orphaned wildlife indigenous to Canada and Alaska . Steve cares for moose, wolves, grizzly bears , wolverines and many other creatures ; and opens his wildlife park to visitors from around the world that come by car, plane or cruise ship.
Steve Kroschel freelances for Walt Disney Pictures, Paramount Pictures, Lionsgate, Universal and many others. He has made or contributed to over 200 natural history documentaries and has recently released three humanitarian films on Grounding the body.

July 31st, 2001 : Steve Kroschel shooting 35MM Film for his movies and documentaries

July 31st, 2022 : Steve Kroschel shooting with an Iphone 13 for his movies and documentaries . Times have changed !